Ort: Gestalten Space bis: 2011-08-07
Künstler: Martin Eberle
Thema: +RAVE IS OVER: Temporary Spaces and After Show Photographs by Martin Eberle # 14 | 07 | — 07 | 08 | 2011 # Vernissage: July 14, 2011, 18:00 – 21:00 Featuring a live musical performance by Arises* # # Gestalten is proud to present a solo show by Martin Eberle that will feature photographs from his series Temporary Spaces and After Show. # Martin Eberle created his Temporary Spaces series in the 1990s—a time when clubs and quasi-clubs were helping to define the image of a reunited Berlin. Exactly ten years after Gestalten published the milestone book of the same name, select photography from this series as well as newer work from After Show will be shown at our Gestalten Space. # Spanning a period of 10 years, the stunning photographs of Temporary Spaces were the first to document the benchmark locations of Berlin’s then-burgeoning club scene as they really were. By radically reducing them to their empty spaces, juxtaposing run-down facades and lovingly crafted interiors with architectural brutality, Eberle has perfectly captured their now legendary, ramshackle hipness. Today, when nothing remains of these spaces and the musical pulse of the city has evolved, it is well worth a compelling look back at the improvised coolness that helped make Berlin the celebrated magnet for musical and other creative talent that it has become. # The show is also made up of images from the series After Show, which was born out of Eberle’s time helping to manage the quasi-club galerie berlintokyo, described by Vogue in 1997 as “the most modern basement in Europe.” In this position, Eberle got to know a generation of Berlin musicians that is increasingly determining the musical profile of the city today. He started his work on this ongoing series in 2004 out of a desire to document the role of these artists, some of whom have become friends, on stage and in our time. The portraits of performers including Peaches and Miss Kittin that make up After Show are taken immediately following a concert in any kind of room that can be found backstage. Eberle captures personal moments of excitement and turbulence, physical exhaustion, and the aftermath of excess with his large-format camera. The portraits created in this way are static and precise, but, because not everything that happens at the moment of exposure can be planned, simultaneously dynamic and surprising. # The book Temporary Spaces will also be on sale at the show. # Martin Eberle was born in Augsburg in 1966. After founding the Süddeutsche Fotografenliga in 1986, he began studying photo design in Dortmund. Eberle moved to Berlin in 1992. There, he became one of the managers of the quasi-club galerie berlintokyo, worked for the magazine PAKT–Zeitschrift für Fotografie und Medienkunst, and taught at both the University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam and the Academy of Fine Arts in Nuremberg, where he has been working toward his master’s degree in architecture and urban research since 2009. # Since 1998, Martin Eberle has worked for the Erratik Institut Berlin and, together with Carsten Eisfeld, manages Eberle & Eisfeld, a photography and graphic design studio. Since 1989, Eberle’s work has been shown in numerous exhibits in galleries and institutions in Berlin and other German cities. # # Gestalten Space Sophie-Gips-Höfe Sophienstraße 21 10178 Berlin www.gestalten.com/space # Wednesday to Monday 10:00 – 20:00 Closed Tuesdays
Ort: Gestalten Space bis: 2011-07-03
Künstler: Eyal Burstein/Beta Tank
Thema: Opening reception and talk: June 2, 2011, 18:00 – 21:00 Kicking off with a conversation between Eyal Burstein/Beta Tank and Martin Rinderknecht/Helmrinderknecht starting at 18:00 Gestalten is proud to present a solo show by Berlin-based conceptual product design practice Beta Tank. Beta Tank creates design objects based upon cross-disciplinary research that insightfully explores new technologies and social phenomena—inspiring debate beyond aesthetics or function. This solo show features objects from Beta Tank's "Taxing Art" and "Sensory Substitution” series. The Galila Chair with its flexible identity embodies legal definitions for both art and design objects depending on how its pyramids are positioned. When the chair is in the art configuration, it can be sold at a lower VAT tariff and enjoy lower or no customs duties. The pyramids affect the functionality of the chair and challenge the legal boundaries of what constitutes art. The Mind Chair changes your perception by "placing images in your mind through your back," using a bank of 400 solenoids as the backrest reacting to video input. The limited edition series Memory Stücks includes memory objects bonding the tangible physical with the ephemeral digital. Each object is equipped with USB sticks that carry its digital memories in words, images, film, and animation. This show coincides with the release of the book Taxing Art: When Objects Travel, an ironic, clever documentation and analysis of the effect traditional, bureaucratic procedures have on innovative work. The revealing illustrated essay spotlights the largely underestimated effect tax laws have on where design ends and art begins. The book features all five objects that were made in response to these stringent laws, as well as the narrative of the objects' unique 12,000-kilometer journey to test tax laws around the world.
Ort: Gestalten Space bis: 2011-05-28
Künstler: Rubén B, Michael Bartalos, Melinda Beck, Brian Belott, Hisham Akira Bharoocha, Stephen Brandes, Paul Burgess, Dennis Busch, Hollie Chastain, Alejandro Chavetta, Cless, Barrett Cook, Liam Crockard, Valero Doval, Jesse Draxler, Lukas Feireiss, Tatiana Echeverri Fernandez, Erik Foss, James Gallagher, April Gertler, Jason Glasser, Kate Hate, Sean Hillen, Ashkan Honarvar, Jordin Isip, Eva Lake, Greg Lamarche, Dani Leventhal, Leif Low- beer, Max o Matic, Jeffrey Meyer, Vincent Pacheco, Melissa Paget, David Plunkert, Garrett Pruter, Kareem Rizk, Javier Rodriguez, Jenni Rope, Jason Rosenberg, Valerie Roybal, Joe Ryckebosch, Cay Schroder, Baby Smith, Kerstin Stephan, Katherine Streeter, Sergei Sviatchenko, Alejandra Villasmil, David Wallace, Jessica Williams, Oliver Wiegner, Lulu Wolf, Bill Zindel, Anthony Zinonos
Thema: Collage erlebt dieser Tage eine neue Blüte in der zeitgemäßen Kunst und visuellen Kultur. Heutige Künstler, Illustratoren und Gestalter setzen diese künstlerische Technik wieder ein und nehmen mit wachsender Begeisterung die Herausforderung an, hierfür traditionelles Handwerk mit fortgeschrittener Computertechnik nahtlos zu verbinden. Für ihre Kompositionen nutzen sie nicht nur eine große Auswahl an visuellen Elementen, sondern lassen diese bewusst weg, löschen und zerstören sie. Auch wenn Collage im frühen 20. Jahrhundert zu erster Popularität gelangte, so ist sie doch eine reale Reflektion unserer heutigen Zeit und die innovativen Arbeiten, die aktuell entstehen, künden von einer neuen Ära dieser Technik. Nach Ansicht des Kurators James Gallagher können die ausgestellten Kunstwerke „in vielerlei Kategorien gesehen und unter unterschiedlichen Stilen und zahllosen Visionen subsumiert werden. Alle entstanden aus dem physischen oder digitalen Vorgang des (Aus-)Schneidens und Kopierens und resultieren in einer Bandbreite von Arbeiten, die alles umspannen: von sozialen und politischen Kommentaren über persönliche Offenbarungen bis hin zu surrealistischen Fantasien, komponiert aus dem echten Leben und der Vorstellung." Zu den Highlights der ausstellenden Künstler zählen Sergej Sviatchenko und April Gertler. Der in der Ukraine geborene und in Dänemark lebende Künstler Sviatchenko hat auf zahlreichen Solo- und Gruppenshows in Europa, Kanada und den USA ausgestellt und gehört zu den führenden Figuren zeitgemäßer Collage. Gertler, eine amerikanische Künstlerin, die in Berlin lebt, ist die Gründerin von Picture Berlin, einer Kunstakademie für Fotokünstler. Die Ausstellung präsentiert außerdem Arbeiten von Hisham Akira Bharoocha, einem Künstler und Musiker, auch bekannt als legendäres Gründungsmitglied von Lightning Bolt und Black Dice, der mittlerweile an seinem Soloprojekt Soft Circle arbeitet; Paul Burgess, der bei verschiedenen Gelegenheiten als Fotograf und Designer mit den Sex Pistols gearbeitet hat und darüber hinaus Co- Autor des Buches Satellite: Sex Pistols (Abstract Sounds in 1999) ist; Katherine Streeter, eine preisgekrönte New Yorker Illustratorin, deren Arbeiten u.a. in Publikationen wie Wall Street Journal, New York Times und The Guardian erschienen sind; sowie der In Irland lebende Stephen Brandes, der Irland bei der Venice Biennale 2005 vertreten hat. James Gallagher, der bereits die CUTTERS Ausstellungsreihe mit Stationen in Brooklyn 2009, Berlin 2010 und Cork 2011 kuratiert hat, nutzt Collage zur Erkundung von menschlicher Form und persönlicher Identität. Seine Kunst wurde in Galerien rund um die Welt gezeigt und erschien in zahlreichen Magazinen und Büchern. Gallagher ist auch Mitherausgeber des unlängst veröffentlichten Gestalten Buches Cutting Edges: Contemporary Collage, einer inspirierenden Kollektion herausragender Arbeiten, die unter Nutzung dieser Technik entstanden sind.