Ort: Riot-Arts bis: 2009-05-29
Künstler: Peeter Allik - Estonia (linocut/lithoprint), Walter Bruno Brix - Germany (embroidery), Ulrich Diezmann - Germany (painting), Rinaldo Hopf - Germany (painting), Severija Incirauskaite-Kriauneviciene - Lithuania (embroidery on scrap metal), Garth Johnson - U.S.A. (recycled collector's plates), Ai Kijima - U.S.A. (quilted collage), Charles Krafft - U.S.A. (bread sculpture/ceramics), Malcolm McLaren - U.S.A. (bread sculpture), Nava Lubelski - U.S.A. (embroidery), Natasza Niedziolka - Germany (painting), David Rios Ferreira - U.S.A. (gouache), Schalalala / Knitting Circle - Germany (knitting/social sculpture/net-art), Hunter Stabler - U.S.A. (paper cutting), Tulip Enterprises - Netherlands/Germany (over painted vintage porcelain), Georg Weise - Germany (painting)
Thema: PRESSEMITTEILUNG Strich & Faden: Heimat, Volkskunst und Travestie, Teil 2 / Kunstraum Richard Sorge Die Kunst ist ein Handwerk, nirgends tritt dies besser zu Tage als in der Folklore. Was jedoch passiert in der Subversion der Folklore? Hier wird gewoben und betrogen. Nach Strich und Faden. Mit Strich und Faden. Mit allen Mitteln der Kunst, des Handwerks, wie die Definition des Begriffes es verlangt. 16 internationale Künstler bearbeiten Begriffe der Heimat, Folklore und Geschlechterrollen. Mit Hilfe der Travestie werden die Klischees von innen ergriffen und bösartig humorvoll untergraben und dekonstruiert. In einer ironischen Wendung wird diese Travestie so selbst zur Thematik und das Handwerk der Folklore liefert die Mittel seiner eigenen Sinnentfremdung. Subversiv täuschende Interpretationen von Volkskunst stehen neben Werken, deren derber Zugang zu ihren mit Tradition belasteten Sujets eigentlich in einem krassen Bruch innerhalb der Ausstellung generieren müsste. Das Gegenteil ist der Fall. Die Werke untergraben ihre Mittel selber und subversieren sich zusätzlich in einer parallelen Bewegung gegenseitig. Die Thematik der Travestie umspannt die gesamte Ausstellung und findet sich mit ironischem Wink des Konzeptes in deren Gewebe verwoben. Und doch geht die Ausstellung über bloße Ironie hinaus. Die Dekonstruktion ist ein Schaffensprozess, an dessen vorübergehendem Ende ernste und inspirierte Statements zu Themen wie Geschlecht, Sexualität und (Kultur-?) Erbe stehen. Die Ernsthaftigkeit der verspielten Entfremdung des Handwerks entgegenhaltend, bietet jeder Künstler ein breites Spektrum an Gegensätzen, in deren Spannungsfeld die Ironie zum kritischen Vorwurf wird. Website: http://www.strichundfaden.org/ Kunstraum Richard Sorge Die großzügigen Räumlichkeiten des Kunstraums Richard Sorge, beherbergt in den historischen Gemäuern einer alten Brauerei in Friedrichshain, ziehen ein oft junges und internationales Publikum, jedoch auch experimentierfreudige anspruchsvolle Kunstliebhaber an. Gegenstand der Ausstellungen im Kunstraum Richard Sorge sind: Arts & Crafts Revival, Lichtkunst, Queer & Feminist Art. Dem Spion Richard Sorge gleich, arbeitet der unabhängige Kunstraum von einer marginalen, jedoch kosmopolitischen Position aus, mit dem edlen Ziel, die Welt zu retten. // http://www.kunstraumrichardsorge.org/ // Alte Schultheissbrauerei "Die Villa" / Landsberger Allee 54 / 10249 Berlin // Vernissage: Mittwoch, 29. April 2009, 19 - 22 Uhr / Finissage: Freitag, 29. Mai 2009, 19 - 22 Uhr // Öffnungszeiten: / 1. Mai bis 29. Mai 2009 / Mittwoch, Samstag, Sonntag, 15 - 19 Uhr / und nach Vereinbarung // Presse: Riot-Arts / Simone Bilgram / 0308638155 / press@riot-arts.com // Galerie: Kunstraum Richard Sorge / Paulus Fugers / 01723118431 / tulip.enterprises@gmail.com //
Ort: Riot-Arts bis: 2008-02-21
Künstler: Douglas Gordon, Gary Rough, John Isaacs, David Nicholson, Oliver Pietsch, Zak Smith, Gustaf von Arbin, Hannes Bend, Stefan Saffer, Maxime Ballestros, Warren Neidich, Kenno Apatrid, Torsten Solin, Sandro Porcu, Tim Meehan, Sergio Roger, Justin Adian, Pete Wheeler, Tiphaine Shipman, Christoph Steffner, Michael Cooke, Angel Eyedealism, Daniel Tagno, Holger Jäger, Sean Cheetham, Edmund Piper, Yoon Lee , Clayton Cubitt, Ralf Gutsmann, Madeline Stillwell
Thema: "An academic definition of Lynchian might be that the term refers to a particular kind of irony where the very macabre and the very mundane combine in such a way as to reveal the former's perpetual containment within the latter.” -David Foster Wallace. # Having gained iconic status as a film director, David Lynch’s broad span of artistic influence has been largely overlooked, only recently being the subject of a survey exhibition at Fondation Cartier. LYNCHMOB proposes a first attempt to locate and trace the influence of David Lynch’s myriad contributions to contemporary art across a wide spectrum of media and artistic practices. # Curated by Emilie Trice & Christopher David, LYNCHMOB brings together a group of 30 international contemporary artists, each of whom were asked to create and contribute work stemming from, inspired by or in direct response to the oeuvre of David Lynch. # The world of David Lynch is by and large a complex one, in which the darker recesses of the human psyche reveal themselves and confront the audience with glimpses of their own subconscious desires, psychological abnormalities and sexual perversions. Lynch's signature style oscillates between the banality of the everyday and the irrationality of dreams, while magnifying the depravity and absurdity often concealed behind the most tranquil and otherwise non-assuming facades. While cultural theorists and critics have made efforts to deconstruct the multi-faceted aspects of Lynch's work, ranging from psychoanalytic interpretations to notions of the auteur, LYNCHMOB offers a visual exploration of these aspects and their manifestation in our collective consciousness, as embodied by the work of this group of contemporary artists, many of whom created original work specifically for the exhibition. # This exhibition presents itself as a constellation of environments that illuminate reoccurring elements in Lynch’s work, beginning on the ground floor gallery of HBC with David Nicholson's photorealistic life-size oil portraits of fetish models, Zak Smith's sexualized paintings, Gary Rough's minimal abstractions of female genetalia, Christoph Steffner's self-penetrating ‘Fuck Machine’ and Sandro Porcu's beating heart sculpture, among others. These works all offer explicit references to pornography, intimacy and sadism ranging from the grotesque to the sublime and co-mingle in an erotic arena that pays homage to Lynch's self-described perception of sex: "Sex was like a world so mysterious to me...it has all these different levels, from lust and fearful, violent sex to the real spiritual thing at the other end. It´s the key to some fantastic mystery of life." # Utilizing the anachronistic architecture of HBC (the former Hungarian Cultural Center) as an integral part of the exhibition experience, with its veneer wood paneling, a labyrinth of rooms & hallways and an exquisitely Lynchian red-lit theater, LYNCHMOB recreates and refers to settings from Lynch's best-known films using painting, sculpture, photography, live performances and video, such as an early "bootleg" work by Douglas Gordon and Oliver Pietsch's montaged vingetts of Hollywood film footage, borrowed from movies like Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks. Together, these works and their intertwined constructions further create a complete Lynchian environment that rapidly veers from fantasy to horror, from the mundane to the absurd # LYNCHMOB’s ultimate aim is to invoke in the viewer the same psychological and emotional response as Lynch's films and other artistic endeavors. Stemming from the vast lexicon of compelling, if not unnerving, imagery amassed through Lynch’s diverse contributions to contemporary sub and mainstream culture, LYNCHMOB revels in the pornographic, the esoteric, the uncanny and the depraved. David Lynch, we salute you. # February 7 -21st # .HBC Karl-Liebknecht Strasse 9 / Berlin Alexanderplatz # Vernissage 6pm Saturday, February 7th / Gallery hours: Tuesday-Saturday 1-7pm/ Finissage Burlesque: 8pm February 21st # www.bhc-kollektiv.org / www.kollektiv-berlin.com # Further information: / PRESS@KOLLEKTIV-BERLIN.COM/ # Christopher David, +4917667876226 / info@kollektiv-berlin.com/ Johannes Schön, +49 30 7492 7992, / johannes@bhc-kollektiv.org /