Kunstbiennale - Künstler der Biennale Venedig 2019
Die Künstlerliste der 58. Kunstbiennale von Venedig wurde gestern vorgestellt. Verantwortlicher Kurator ist dieses Jahr Ralph Rugoff.

Künstler der Hauptausstellung benannt

Zur Hauptausstellung "May You Live in Interesting Times" ("Mögest du in interessanten Zeiten leben") werden 83 Künstlerinnen/Künstler & Künstlerkollektive teilnehmen. Der Ausstellungstitel ist angelehnt an einen chinesischen Fluch, der mit "interessante Zeiten" eine Periode der Unsicherheit, der Krise und des Aufruhrs meint, so der Kurator der Hauptausstellung und Direktor der Londoner Hayward Gallery Ralph Rugoff.


Mit Alexandra Bircken, Hito Steyerl und Rosemarie Trockel sind 3 deutsche Künstlerinnen in der Hauptausstellung vertreten. Interessanter nebenaspekt ist, die Anzahl der von Sprüth Magers vertretenen Künstler (Galerien in Berlin, London und Los Angeles). Mit George Condo, Cyprien Gaillard, Jon Rafman, Kaari Upson und Rosemarie Trockel, sind gleich 5 Künstlerinnen & Künstler der Galerie in der Ausstellung vertreten. Und 12 (14,5 %) der 83 Teilnehmer haben ihren Arbeits- und Lebensschwerpunkt in Berlin.

Infos zur Biennale Venedig 2019
- Biennale Venedig 2019 (Übersicht mit News & Fakten)
- Biennale Öffnungszeiten
- Biennale Ticket
- Biennale Katalog
- Biennale Venedig Hotel

Künstlerliste der Biennale Venedig 2019

Künstler/innen der Ausstellung im Giardini Arsenale
1 Abu Hamdan, Lawrence b. 1985 Jordan, lives and works in Beirut
2 Akunyili Crosby, Njideka b. 1983 Nigeria, lives and works in Los Angeles
3 Altindere, Halil b. 1971 Turkey, lives and works in Istanbul
4 Armitage, Michael b. 1984 Kenya, lives and works in London and Nairobi
5 Arunanondchai, Korakrit b. 1986 Thailand, lives and works in New York and Bangkok for the work in Arsenale, in collaboration with Gvojic, Alex b.1984 USA, lives and works in New York
6 Atkins, Ed b. 1982 United Kingdom, lives and works in Berlin and Copenhagen
7 Atoui, Tarek b. 1980 Lebanon, lives and works in Paris
8 Bader, Darren b. 1978 USA, lives and works in New York City and elsewhere
9 Baghramian, Nairy b.1971 Iran, lives and works in Berlin
10 ÁBeloufa, Neïl b. 1985 France, lives and works in Paris
11 Bircken, Alexandra b. Germany, lives and works in Berlin
12 Bove, Carol b. 1971 Switzerland, lives and works in New York
13 Büchel, Christoph b. 1966 Switzerland, lives and works in Reykjavik and Basel
14 Carbotta, Ludovica b. 1982 Italy, lives and works in Barcelona
15 Catala, Antoine b. 1975 France, lives and works in New York
16 Cheng, Ian b. 1984 USA, lives and works in New York
17 Condo, George b. 1957 USA, lives and works in New York
18 Da Corte, Alex b. 1980 USA, lives and works in Philadelphia
19 Darling, Jesse b. United Kingdom, lives and works in London and Berlin
20 Douglas, Stan b. 1960 Canada, lives and works in Vancouver
21 Durham, Jimmie b. 1940 USA, lives and works in Berlin
22 Eisenman, Nicole b. 1965 France, lives and works in New York
23 Epaminonda, Haris b. 1980 Republic of Cyprus, lives and works in Berlin
24 Favaretto, Lara b. 1973 Italy, lives and works in Turin
25 Gaillard, Cyprien b. 1980 France, lives and works in Berlin
26 Gill, Gauri b. 1970 India, lives and works in New Delhi
27 Gonzalez-Foerster, Dominique b. 1965 France, lives and works in Paris
28 Gupta, Shilpa b. 1976 India, lives and works in Mumbai
29 Gupta, Soham b. 1988 India, lives and works in Kolkata
30 Gutierrez, Martine b. 1989 USA, lives and works in New York
31 Halawani, Rula b. 1964 Palestine, lives and works in Jerusalem
32 Hamilton, Anthea b. 1978 United Kingdom, lives and works in London
33 Hein, Jeppe b. 1974 Denmark, lives and works in Berlin
34 Hernandez, Anthony b. 1947 USA, lives and works in Los Angeles and Idaho
35 Ikeda, Ryoji b. 1966 Japan, lives and works in Paris and Kyoto
36 Jafa, Arthur b. 1960 USA, lives and works in Los Angeles
37 Jamie, Cameron b. 1969 USA, lives in Paris, works in Paris and Cologne
38 Joseph, Kahlil b. 1981 USA, lives and works in Los Angeles
39 Kadyrova, Zhanna b. 1981 Ukraine, lives and works in Kyiv
40 Kang, Suki Seokyeong b. 1977 Republic of Korea, lives and works in Seoul
41 Katayama, Mari b. 1987 Japan, lives and works in Gunma
42 Lee Bul b. 1964 Republic of Korea, lives and works in Seoul
43 Liu Wei b. 1972 People’s Republic of China, lives and works in Beijing
44 Loboda, Maria b. 1979 Poland, lives and works in Berlin
45 Lolis, Andreas b. 1970 Albania, lives and works in Athens
46 Marclay, Christian b. 1955 USA, lives and works in London
47 Margolles, Teresa b. 1963 Mexico, lives and works in Mexico City and Madrid
48 Mehretu, Julie b. 1970 Ethiopia, lives and works in New York
49 Minoliti, Ad b. 1980 Argentina, lives and works in Buenos Aires
50 Moulène, Jean-Luc b. 1955 France, lives and works in Paris
51 Muholi, Zanele b. 1972 Republic of South Africa, lives and works in Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town
52 Mulleady, Jill b. 1980 Uruguay, lives and works in Los Angeles
53 Müller, Ulrike b. 1971 Austria, lives and works in New York
54 Nabuqi b. 1984 People’s Republic of China, lives and works in Beijing
55 Nkanga, Otobong b. 1974 Nigeria, lives and works in Antwerp
56 Norbu, Khyentse b. 1961 Bhutan, Khyentse Norbu’s rigorous international teaching schedule requires continuous travel. He has residences in India and Bhutan
57 Orupabo, Frida b. 1986 Norway, lives and works in Oslo
58 Rafman, Jon b. 1981 Canada, lives and works in Montreal
59 Rico, Gabriel b. 1980 Mexico, lives and works in Guadalajara
60 Saputra, Handiwirman b. 1975 Indonesia, lives and works in Yogyakarta
61 Saraceno, Tomás b. 1973 Argentina, lives and works in Berlin
62 Serapinas, Augustas b. 1990 Lithuania, lives and works in Vilnius
63 Singer, Avery b. 1987 USA, lives and works in New York
64 Slavs and Tatars founded 2006, based in Berlin
65 Smith, Michael E. b. 1977 USA, lives and works in Providence, Rhode Island
66 Steyerl, Hito b. 1966 Germany, lives and works in Berlin
67 Strachan, Tavares b. 1979 The Bahamas, lives and works in New York
68 Sun Yuan (b. 1972 People’s Republic of China) and Peng Yu (b. 1974 People’s Republic of China), both live and work in Beijing
69 Taylor, Henry b. 1958 USA, lives and works in Los Angeles
70 Trockel, Rosemarie b. 1952 Germany, lives and works in Cologne
71 Upson, Kaari b. 1972 USA, lives and works in Los Angeles
72 Ursuta, Andra b. 1979 Romania, lives and works in New York
73 Vo, Danh b. 1975 Vietnam, lives and works in Mexico DF
74 Wa Lehulere, Kemang b. 1984 Republic of South Africa, lives and works in Cape Town
75 Weerasethakul, Apichatpong b. 1970 Thailand, lives and works in Chiang Mai for the work in Arsenale, in collaboration with Hisakado, Tsuyoshi b. 1981 Japan, lives and works in Kyoto
76 Wertheim, Margaret and Wertheim, Christine b. 1958 Australia, both live and work in Los Angeles
77 Yi, Anicka b. 1971 Republic of Korea, lives and works in New York
78 Yin Xiuzhen b. 1963 People’s Republic of China, lives and works in Beijing
79 Yu Ji b. 1985 People’s Republic of China, lives and works in Shanghai and Vienna

Foto: Corderie 2 - Giulio Squillacciotti - Courtesy La Biennale di Venezia

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