Ort: mazzocca | contemporary paintings bis: 2014-08-28
Thema: The working process of Kerstin HELLER requires some attention to reach a possible key of understanding. Not that her paintings are indescribable or surreal, nor only target the well-informed public (quite the opposite, the children are crazy about it). No, but they have this particularity to have a massive weight. The weight of their substance first, the oil, profusely abundant on the canvas. The weight of the countless accumulated painting sessions too. The weight of the time past waiting to dry to finally solidify and live. But also the anxious weight of a regular and dreadful verdict: 'to be erased', or 'to be cancelled', which sometime leads to 'must be destructed' ! For to Kerstin Heller, the slightest line's durability drawn on the canvas hangs to a thread: the one of the tightrope walker, which can drop down its subject to the oblivion gaps without even trembling. This is not the artist's technique, but rather her major process to get such a controlled mastery in her work. The perpetual reconsideration of her gestures, even if it means repeating them 10 or 20 times, until their impulse's origin reaches the required balance, and finally ends up on the canvas like a revelation. Just as a darts player would only tolerate to harpoon the center of the target, all the other attempts will be annihilated. Her paintings are therefore characterized by an overlapping of layers, often griping some stuck China paper. They sometimes let glimpse the sediment of a previously condemned gesture, and here lies the main force of her work: any act will be made registered and visible. A massive weight left by an exhibited soul belonging to the strata of the past. Heller's artwork is somehow elementary, fundamental, with imprints borrowed from emotional fluctuations and their consecutive arbitrary penalties. The contrast in the choice of tints is raw and frank, the features determined, the themes essentials. Regarding the reproduced patterns, they are unsteady, naive and instinctive. As vacillating clouds during their mutation, we cannot help from anticipating their shape in action. They are living patterns, fed by the different grazes occurred throughout their composition. Together with the persistent emanation of this piled up paint made of dense texture in relief, the works of Kerstin Heller turn out into real objects during their creation. They have to be approached, studied, felt, smelt and touched in order to finally be contemplated. While made of omniscience, they recall us to a pure innocence.
Ort: mazzocca | contemporary paintings bis: 2014-02-14
Künstler: Emiliano BAIOCCHI
Thema: The exhibition at the European Commission of Luxembourg aims to be a retrospective of Emiliano Baiocchi since he moved to Berlin in 2008. The panel of around thirty paintings actually represents almost a single and distinctive theme: landscapes. When he first arrives in Berlin, Baiocchi is fascinated by his new hometown. The series Cities he already began in Italy acquires details and movement. Suddenly, every composition starts to get filled up as if real live sceneries had to be carefully depicted. Through a puckering process, his most typical touch (one may call it in accordion), Baiocchi succeeds to bring every little content he wants to describe into a painting. The first dimension is dense and structured, providing all the elements to decipher its matter. When the viewer manages to stretch out the image, he reaches the full perspective. Just like when you get intrigued by what you see through a window, you'd need to enter to determine what is actually happening beyond. After a few years, this new lifestyle made of discovery begins to come to an end, slowly starting to mutate Baiocchi's work. Becoming more reflective and introspective about what surrounds him, his paintings seem to get rid of some obvious representations and signs. The whole approach gets more impulsive, casual, and the colors even more contrasted. As if looking for some changes, the technique itself is diversified and enhanced with other media, such as oil as materia prima. The paintings are now accomplished under new emotions and it results into an experimentation phase where the artist goes above expectations. This is indeed a time where he dedicates an entire year to achieve a drawing a day: a regular field to fulfill his many attempts, marking a perfect transition to what was about to become a series of untitled paintings: grown, mature and major in his work history. It is now time of genuineness, when the previous need of satisfaction that turned to revealing inspirations must be confronted with the only truth: Nature. Sometimes even roughly conceived in the woods, Baiocchi's last artworks mainly represent Forests. As the subject implies, collected organic elements are also integrated on the canvas, like tree leaves for instance. Once more, the viewer gets easily immersed at first glance into the picture, and the rolling out process surely gives the rustle one might be looking for. Compared to the former Cities, it is like purity taken back from the artificial sphere for a more authentic interpretation, for a possible way back to the roots. Here we are: staring at one of Emiliano Baiocchi's paintings is like hearing the noise it makes.
Ort: mazzocca | contemporary paintings bis: 2013-12-16
Künstler: Kwanyoung JUNG, Laurence GRAVE, Keiko KIMOTO, David FERRY, Emiliano BAIOCCHI, Kesrtin HELLER und Dominique DAUTREMENT
Thema: 'La réunion raisonnée des œuvres de plusieurs artistes dans un espace et un temps donnés s’avère souvent un exercice délicat aboutissant à un résultat qui n’est jamais proprement dit sans influence sur la manière dont nous percevons l’art. Entre plan, taches, lignes, lacis, réseau, masses, oppositions et faux-semblants, l'exposition de la galerie Berlinoise Mazzocca | contemporary paintings au sein des deux hôtels Sofitel de Luxembourg recèle et développe une lumière particulière, comme un reflet de l’entre-deux dans lequel l’ombre trouve aussi sa place; un clair-obscur souvent rejeté de nos jours, pour des raisons de lisibilité immédiate, comme si la peinture se devait de ne plus montrer que des os et oublier sa chair.'
Ort: mazzocca | contemporary paintings bis: 2012-12-08
Künstler: Diana SPRENGER
Thema: mazzocca | contemporary paintings presents: ‚Curving layers‘ a solo exhibition by Diana SPRENGER Vernissage: Fr. Nov. 16th 2012 at 7pm Exhibition: Until Dec. 8. press- release, Berlin : Oct 31th 2012. 'Curving layers' , or a concluding exhibition dedicated to Diana SPRENGER; to graphic retranscription works placed in abyss from a unique, sensorial, intellectual and emotional artistic perception by one of the most talented artists of her generation in Berlin. You will walk along walls, contemplating paintings with the impression to float in a thick wintry and industrial fog at first, maybe you will feel yourself lost in mists that belongs to others times, for sure will your glance grasp some chromatic marks little by little, alternately rocked by curves disguising in subdued colors, hypnotized, charmed by the subtle revelation of brightness, and then rolled up in their graphic dynamics… The art of Diana SPRENGER will seem very implicit in her paintings then, curved into bewitching-like layers. A sagacious way to recognize and capture colors close to the beauty of a soul for the everlasting; graceful, clement, muted.
Ort: mazzocca | contemporary paintings bis: 2012-11-03
Künstler: Latifa SAYADA
Thema: ‚0 Grad‘ artworks by Kwanyoung JUNG & Latifa SAYADI Vernissage: Fr. Oct. 5th 2012 at 7pm Exhibition: Until Nov. 3rd press- release, Berlin : Sept. 21th 2012. 'O Grad' invites you to follow the pure lines of sculptures and graphic works. Interpretations in two artistic languages and of two sensibilities, gathered by similar approaches stretching out towards a technically very demanding minimalism. Straight or curved, the lines suggest two additional studies of the mono and the pluri-dimensionality, both subtracted in the incidence of the angularity. In a sober chromatic universe, we come across landscapes of juxtaposed lines...Even broken, they express only the proportion of their own existence. Width and depth are factual and trivial, their limits are not presupposed. Minutely and with perfection, Kwanyoung JUNG closes his lines at the very place of their fracture. This is where it ends up, to extend itself broken, outside the painting, as a grafic intervention that pull us out from a monotonous and repetitive surface. The infinite nature of the lines rules out the appearance of geometrical figures. Like the creation of a sensory and perceptive dimension, but without any polygonal frame... everlasting freedom. In the slim shade of the cold and dark lines of her sculptures, Latifa SAYADI's multidisciplinary work explains a delicate and fleeting paradoxically dimension of her art. A whole work involving various mediums for an approach of the relation between performance and technique. Immutables sculptures and fragile marks of her tools which meet the traditional medium of paper. A kind of copperplate printing illustrating her philosophy of the sculpture.Like a graceful imprint, a delicate exposure of the powerful methods she uses in her creation process.
Ort: mazzocca | contemporary paintings bis: 2012-06-30
Künstler: Emiliano BAIOCCHI, Keiko KIMOTO, Laurence GRAVE, Kerstin HELLER, Ruprecht DREHER, William Francis BRENNAN, Alain RIVIÈRE, Ariel LOMANNO, Diana SPRENGER, Dalila Dalléas BOUZAR, Gonzalo Reyes ARAOS, Elsa SALONEN, Isabella FEDELE (Tulino) and FAB.io, Stefan SCHRÖTER, Kwanyoung JUNG, Xristos FOURIKIS and Latifa SAYADI.
Thema: Vernissage: Fr. June 15th 2012 at 7pm Exhibition: Until June 29 2012. Press release, Berlin : May 25th 2012. Retro-perspective is the celebration of one year existence of Kartüche gallery. Therefore, we will present almost all of the artists who already exhibited in the gallery with an artwork by each one, yet unexhibited. Moreover, we gonna present four new artists as the startpoint of an upcoming collaboration; Stefan SCHRÖTER, Kwanyoung JUNG, Latifa SAYADI and Xristos FOURIKIS. Aim of the Retro-perspective exhibition is to show the panel of our evolving artistic guidelines at a glance.
Ort: mazzocca | contemporary paintings bis: 2012-06-08
Künstler: emiliano Baiocchi
Thema: ‚ A drawing a day‘ A solo exhibition of 365 daily drawings & paintings by Emiliano BAIOCCHI Opening reception: Fr. May 25th 2012 at 7pm Exhibition: Until June 8. 2012. Press release, Berlin : May 12 - 2012. « 'A drawing a day / Un disegno al giorno' ; was an excuse to experiment new techniques, set free from the fear of making mistakes that the canvas -this white empty monster-can arouse. 'A drawing a day' is a drawing and painting diary made of 365 works upon various types of paper and cardboard, using a lot of different techniques like Lino-cut or Chinese slope, water-soluble coloured pencil as well as the peels of a red beet ! Every artwork has been motivated by the spontaneity of a moment, by the states of mind and the daily stimolations. Perhaps the inspiration wasn't at its edge at every day's light, just like in a real-time life, it can also be made of scars, but this belongs to the game and makes it more sincere and beautiful. Emiliano BAIOCCHI reveals itself under new experimented light. 'A drawing a day', or a one entire year of an artist soul. »
Ort: mazzocca | contemporary paintings bis: 2012-04-28
Künstler: Marcus Bjernerup Peter Freitag Thomas Jocher Ross Walker Jumoke Olusanmi Carsten Sievers Ruprecht Dreher Michel Carmantrand Laurence Grave Heidi Sill Ross Walker
Thema: „WWW.BLATTFORMER.DE – analog“ presented by mazzocca | contemporary paintings at Kartüche Gallery vom 20. April bis 28. April 2012 mit Arbeiten von Marcus Bjernerup, Michel Carmantrand, Ruprecht Dreher, Peter Freitag, Laurence Grave, Thomas Jocher, Jumoke Olusanmi, Carsten Sievers, Heidi Sill & Ross Walker Eröffnung: 20. April ab 19 Uhr Finissage: 28. April ab 19 Uhr Ausstellungsort: kARTüche gallery, Leykestraße 17a, 12053 Berlin, T: 030 . 53 79 24 92, www.galerie-mazzocca.com Öffnungszeiten: Dienstag bis Samstag 14.30 Uhr bis 18 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung The gallery zeigt in einer dreiteiligen Ausstellung Papierarbeiten aus dem nun im dritten Jahr laufenden Internet-Projekt www.blattformer.de. www.blattformer.de ist ein Bilder-Blog, den die Künstler Peter Freitag und Ruprecht Dreher vor etwa zweieinhalb Jahren initiiert haben, um eine kontinuierliche Veröffentlichung von Papierschnitten – einen Papierfluss aus künstlerischen Arbeiten, die Papier traktieren und modellieren (z.B. Collagen, Faltungen etc.) – herzustellen. Dazu laden sie regelmäßig andere Künstler zur Mitarbeit ein. Die Plattform verbreitet sich als Blog im Internet, sowie über Facebook und hat mittlerweile zahlreiche Abonnenten, die sich täglich auf dem Schreibtisch ihres Rechners von schnittfrischen Papierarbeiten überraschen lassen. Neben der Verbreitung von Kunst ist es erklärte Absicht, Wege einer möglichst direkten Vermarktung von Kunstwerken zu praktizieren und zu entwickeln. Die Künstler machen bei jeder Veröffentlichung einer neuen Papierarbeit im Netz ein äußerst attraktives Kaufangebot, um Aufmerksamkeit und Kauflust zu stimulieren. Durch eine zeitbegrenzte Möglichkeit (24 Std.) kann jeder ein Mindestgebot (z.B. 123!€) – oder mehr – für ein Werk abgeben und es dann als Höchstbietender besitzen. Ansonsten können die Kunstwerke nach Kontaktvermittlung bei den Künstlern direkt zu marktgerechten Preisen erworben werden. Im ersten Jahr von www.blattformer.de hatten sich Ruprecht Dreher und Peter Freitag selbstverpflichtet, wechselweise täglich einen Scherenschnitt zu erzeugen und ins Netz zu stellen: „THE DAILY CUT“ 365 Blätter (!) sind dabei heraus gekommen! Eine beeindruckende virtuelle Blattwand, die nun teilweise in kartüche gallery in Neukölln Berlin analog an die Wand gepinnt zu sehen sein wird. Im zweiten Jahr wurden wöchentlich Papierarbeiten blockartig präsentiert. Werke diverser Künstler in verschiedenen Konstellationen konnten wie in einem „WEEKLY MAGAZINE“ durchgeblättert werden. Arbeiten daraus (u.a. von Carsten Sievers, Thomas Jocher, Marcus Bjernerup, Heidi Sill ...) sind nun zu Blöcken geordnet in Realiter zu betrachten. Im dritten Jahr, das sich im dritten Teil der Ausstellung widerspiegelt, werden die Papierarbeiten wieder zu täglichen Begleitern im Netz, kalenderartig, überraschend von Tag zu Tag, jeweils unregelhaft, mal von diesem mal von jenem der derzeit beteiligten neun verschiedenen Künstler (u.a. Michel Carmantrand, Laurence Grave, Ross Walker ...). Die Experimentierfreude ist zunehmend und deutlich ersichtlich! Während der 8-tägigen Ausstellung wird an jedem Tag eine jeweils neue Papierarbeit sowohl im Netz unter www.blattformer.de als auch im Schaufenster der Galerie zu sehen sein. Diese Arbeit kann zum Mindestgebot „123!€“ – bzw. zum Höchstgebot (innerhalb 24 Stunden!) – erworben werden.
Ort: mazzocca | contemporary paintings bis: 2012-04-13
Künstler: Kerstin HELLER Gonzalo Reyes ARAOS
Thema: « With the association of Kerstin HELLER and Gonzalo Reyes ARAOS artworks, the exhibition ’PrismeS’ wishes to stage two abstract treatments of the dimension, two processes of creation getting closer to the performance rather than to the technique, reflecting a common meaning of the word ‘prism’ as an element transforming the image‘s reality. While the artworks by Gonzalo testify a geometrical and spatial approach, intangible indeed, Kerstin paintings refer to abstract and sensory, whereof imprints generate their own experienced spaces. Without any established complementarity, some specific aspects of Kerstin and Gonzalo works both seem to dwell by each others adversity. Gonzalo’s treatment through the outburst of a ‘decomposition-reorganisation’ current image process perspires from contrasted loads: opening and appeasment sensations. Stifling surtax and profusion. Lights and exposed atmospheres, re-assembled in a re-invented space, endowed with some additional dimension. Kerstin makes above all a sensitive and intense treatment of the material and subject of the color, associated with abstract motives representations. This process escapes from chaos by getting organized in many sequential ways within the painting itself, through distant time lapses. Dimensions of her passionate work come to life inbetween each of these several scenarios , generating a purely unreal but palpable prism. » Lorraine Rabiller.
Ort: mazzocca | contemporary paintings bis: 2012-03-03
Künstler: Isabela FEDELE / TULINO Emiliano BAIOCCHI
Thema: " R E T I N A " Engravures and paintings by Isabella FEDELE a.k.a TULINO and Emiliano BAIOCCHI Vernissage: Sat. Feb 11. 2012 at 7pm Exhibition: Until March 3rd 2012. Press release, Berlin : Feb 2nd 2012. The game between a weft and its expressed dimension, between volumes and mixed colors, and also between the genres; this is what the exhibition " Retina " aims to exhalter…a set to play, visions to unify. Through the paintings by Emiliano BAIOCCHI and the engravures by Isabella FEDELE a.k.a TULINO, the male / female duality is stretched inbetween the artwork depths. With Emiliano, the power turns out to be especially in the architectural construction, it is a merciless and remorseless mechanics. This is where its perfection is to be found; Step in front, there is at first a piece made of almost mathematical working off. But from a three meters distance, the sensitive dimension definitly surges out, step back. With Isabella, the engravures are rather subversive and emotional. They carrie a pictorial message, dwelling in the line of the weft, in its own nature. Her artworks in general seems pert and rather ingenuous, it is necessary to get closer to contemplate the beauty and the details of the pieces, and one won’t properly reach its density by missing this step…forward. Fragile, strong, frank and awkward, tortured and desperately wearing hope. « Retina » is a path from the lay-out to the framework, the passion and the pictorial catharsis. 
Ort: mazzocca | contemporary paintings bis: 2011-12-02
Künstler: Laurence GRAVE, Ruprecht DREHER
Thema: Einerseits ein Bild und auf der anderen Seite ein Gegenstand ? Selbstverständlich ist das nicht so einfach, sondern nur ein möglicher Blickwinkel für die Ausstellung im Duett von von Laurence GRAVE und Ruprecht DREHER . Wie die Begegnung zweier Cousins unterschiedlichen Charakters einen Dialog und damit eine gegenseitige Beleuchtung ermöglicht, allerdings ohne dass sie es sich ausgesucht hätten. Der Titel selbst verweist bereits ein wenig darauf worum es geht. In französischer Sprache bedeutet Croisée "Fenster": 1. " Hergestellt Öffnung In der Wand eines Gebäudes, um Tageslicht nach drinnen zu geben. 2. " Möglichkeit, wo sich Blicke begegnen." (Wörterbuch Der kleine Littré, Paris, 1990). Die Malerei von Ruprecht DREHER, in ihrem mächtigen, gefärbten, gezimmerten und orthogonalen Schöpfergeist, kontrastieren mit tauben Farbtönen und verschiedenen isolierten Silhouetten die in der Malerei von Laurence Grave fast auf monochromatischem Odem sitzen. Das von Angesicht zu Angesicht Kunstwerke mit unähnlichem Anschein, liegt dennoch in der Bedeutung einer sogar beständigen Sorge um Integration der eingestezt Elemente, derselbe Wunsch alles zu berücksichtigen, derselbe standhafte Wille mit der Einheit als Ziel.
Ort: mazzocca | contemporary paintings bis: 2011-01-12
Künstler: Elsa SALONEN Keiko KIMOTO
Thema: "FALLING LEVITATION" A duo exhibition by Elsa SALONEN and Keiko KIMOTO Vernissage: Fr. Oct. 21st: 19h Exhibition: Oct. 25th - Nov. 12 Privat Finissage (Dinner max 8 pers): Nov. 11 "Based on an old Finno-Ugric belief, migrating birds fly as soul birds to Lintukoto, Vainajala (Kingdom Come) for winter. Absence from the familiar standpoints and cultural environment that forms one’s identity constantly forces to define the perception of yourself. Even though today we know the migrating birds fly somewhat closer than Lintukoto" ( Elsa Salonen). The journey of the birds as an eternal migration towards one’s self is the common starting point of reflection represented by the artworks in this exhibition, as well as the empiric theme of Mother-Nature. Poetry, sensibilty, delicatecy and force are what you should expect to deeply see and feel through theses exhibited talents.
Ort: mazzocca | contemporary paintings bis: 2011-10-15
Künstler: Diana SPRENGER Andreas BAUSCHKE Alain RIVIÈRE
Thema: KOPFSPUREN – Ausstellung - Portraitmalerei english version underneath... Wie kann ein Mensch gezeichnet, wie sein Portrait gemalt werden? Welches Portrait soll entstehen und warum? – Fragen, die in jeder Kultur und in jeder Epoche eine Rolle spielen und mit denen vermutlich viele Künstler konfrontiert sind. Seit der Erfindung der Fotografie und ihrer weiten Verbreitung ist diese Frage nach dem „Warum?" noch zwingender geworden. Die Masse fotografischer Bilder kann Künstlern jedoch auch eine größere Freiheit geben, um Gesichter des Menschen aufzuzeigen. Diana Sprenger, Andreas Bauschke und Alain Rivière zeigen in ihrer Arbeit jeder den eigenen Zugang auf und widmen sich der Frage nach der Erscheinung und Präsenz eines Menschen. In ihren Darstellungen geht es ihnen um den Entstehungsprozess selbst. Der Mensch tritt aus seinem Hintergrund heraus, verschlungene Striche zeichnen seine Züge und Konturen werden im Gegenlicht verarbeitet. Am Rand der Abstraktion kann seine Erscheinung etwas Verborgenes, Unerwartetes oder Unbekanntes aufzeigen. Die gemeinsame Suche nach der Präsenz eines Menschen weckt den Wunsch der drei Künstler, ihre Werke gemeinsam auszustellen und einen Dialog zu initiieren. ENGLISH VERSION How can a man drawn as his portrait should be painted? Which portrait should then arise and why? - Such matter, faced by many artists, have had a leading role in every culture and era. Since the invention of photography and its widespread use is the question even more compelling, eventhough the huge amount of photographed images gives nowadays a lot more freedom to represent people faces. Diana SPRENGER, Andreas BAUSCHKE and Alain RIVIERE show us their own entrance gate of the issue, by dedicating themselves to the appearance and presence of a person. Their representative attempt is about the value of the creative process itself. The background stepback of a person, his intricated characteristical strikes, features and contours are here treated in backlighting. At the edge of its abstraction, its appearance reveals something hidden, unexpected or unknown. The common search about the presence of a person setted off the desire of the three artists to exhibit their works together and to initiate a dialogue. Here we are...
Ort: mazzocca | contemporary paintings bis: 2011-01-27
Künstler: William Francis BRENNAN, Ariel LOMANNO
Thema: " Procession " Paintings and Sculptures by William Francis BRENNAN (usa) and Ariel LOMANNO (arg) Vernissage: Fr. January 06: 7.30pm Exhibition: Tue-Fr: 2.30-6pm + by app. Until January 27th "A journey within an absorbant colored field, dotted with single shapes and presences. The paintings of William Francis BRENNAN first refer to a certain anarchy and chaos while its constant suggested movement seems to take off from sensitivity and suffering, and to land in a sea of devoted honesty. Beside, the sculptures of Ariel Lo MANNO evokes curves and angles, a certain desire of harmony, but in a somehow paradoxal hardness; massive and hard-as- piece of marble flirts with round soft polished structures. Colours are absent, or more likely dwelling in the matter itself, as nothing else but truth was meant to be expressed. Like disordered fragilty seeking a way to settle down and find some rest in a virtual continuity, William and Ariel are two distinct passengers of a rise sharing the same deepest aim of soul tranquillity. This procession is a violent existantial crisis of a Pelerin quest apeased by regular relics on their way, these are standing as cottages for the fatal arrival, where no confrontation finally has taken place, but where holy peace has been found."